Making Concrete Change
During the last week of May 2018, the Emmeline Cook community (teachers, parents, and students) expanded its efforts to build a deep partnership with the Kalangu community by organizing a fundraising effort (“Making CONCRETE Change“) to raise money to purchase bags of concrete for the construction of new classrooms at Kalangu. To kick off the fundraising, Mushe spent some time in the classrooms teaching the students about the daily lives of Kalangu students and delivering messages of thanks from Kalangu to E-Cook (for E-Cook’s school supply drive efforts in 2017).

SEPO Zambia is excited to announce that the Emmeline Cook community raised $491.43 through the school-wide penny drive. Through their partnership with Walk with a Doc, Dr. & Mrs. Smiltneek committed to donating $5 for every student that walked to school on May 25th. 70 students participated in the walk, raising an additional $350 – bringing the grand total to $841.43! This means that SEPO Zambia will be able to purchase over 80 bags of concrete on behalf of the Emmeline Cook community – that equals approximately 2,800 bricks! We are overwhelmed by the generosity and commitment of the Emmeline Cook community. We can’t wait to post photos of cement being purchased in Mongu!
Thanks to all those who participated and contributed in any way. Special additional thanks to: Emmeline Cook PTO, E Cook Elementary,Jennifer Bowen, Molly Norton Smiltneek, and all the E-Cook teachers/parents.