Place-based Development Philosophy
For a long time, top-down, one-size-fits-all, non-participatory models of development have defined rural development programs in Zambia (and beyond). Contemporary conventional approaches increasingly include some role for local participation, but maintain a focus on specific sectors or issues (often determined prior to community consultation) and on one-size-fits-all models. SEPO Zambia is different.
SEPO Zambia is committed to place-based development, which recognizes that place matters – that geographical context is critical. Our place-based approach emphasizes the importance of contextual specificity to the process of development. This allows SEPO to integrate economic, environmental, social, cultural, historical, political, and institutional dynamics within our mission and projects. In remaining grounded in place (emplaced), SEPO seeks to reveal and enhance unique capacities in particular places.
We have many ongoing projects in northwestern Wisconsin (Oshkosh) and western Zambia. Currently, we are working a number of projects in Oshkosh and western Zambia (see below):
Additionally, check out some of our major Past Projects.