health services

Mushe & Danny Katete at Mabumbu Clinic. Danny is a community health volunteer.

The single clinic serving the area (Mabumbu clinic) is under-resourced, under-staffed, and under-pressure. The clinic lacks basic medical supplies and services. For example, as of our last visit, the clinic had one thermometer to measure patients’ temperatures. We are looking to fund the purchase of basic medical supplies (thermometers, blood pressure machines, pain killers, anti-malarial meds, bed nets, blood-sugar monitors & strips, cleaning supplies, and antibiotics). SEPO is also seeking funds to build a few benches for patients to sit on while waiting (often hours/days) to be seen.

Patient bed at clinic
Mushe & Dan looking through clinic medical supplies.
Uncle James Simbala getting his blood-sugar checked (Namitome Village)


While SEPO works with our Zambian partners on a variety of general health-related matters at Mabumbu clinic, we are particularly focused on maternal and child health challenges. Maternal mortality rates in Zambia are 398 per 100,000 women (as compared to 28 in the U.S.). Additionally, child mortality rates are 65 per 1,000 (as compared to 6 in the U.S.). SEPO works in close communication with SEPO Women’s Group to identify and address issues affecting new mothers and the youth.

In addition to improving and expanding health services through clinic outreach, SEPO also hopes to support (via sponsorship) training/school for youth from the community, enabling them to provide basic medical care, counseling services, and health education in the Mabumbu area.

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