SEPO works with our community partners to identify families in the region struggling with housing insecurity. We focus much of our housing efforts on those with immediate/emergency needs (fire, etc) and the elderly in the community who often find themselves unable to keep up their current structures and/or without relatives/familial support to build new homes. SEPO hires local builders and artisans to construct simple, secure housing for those in need. Housing needs are a consistent component of SEPO’s work and any support would be welcome.

SEPO is fully committed to supporting and supplying renewal energy solutions in the Mabumbu area – specifically, solar and wind. Our electrical installations (mostly solar) target homes with school-aged children in order to provide students a consistent source of light to study. Again, any support for our solar installations would be welcome. In some rare cases, SEPO works to connect specific businesses to the national electrical grid system.