SEPO approaches our work on water projects from the perspective that access to clean water is a basic human right.
Every day the people of Mabumbu – particularly women and girls – walk several miles in order to fetch water for their families and communities. This represents time (3+ hours), energy, and labor that is diverted from school, work, or community projects.

20L (5 gallon) container. She likely carries 10+ of these a day for her family.
Currently, there are only two open-access, clean water sources in the Mabumbu area (at the clinic and at Kalangu Basic School).
SEPO is committed to changing this and expanding water accessibility throughout the Mabumbu area. We are currently sourcing funds to have a borehole drilled halfway between the clinic and Kalangu ($6,000), thereby halving the distance most women and girls have to walk to access water. We intend to have the well professionally drilled and install a hand pump.

Once the borehole is up-and-running, SEPO Zambia’s Mongu branch (our community-based organization on the ground in Mabumbu) will maintain oversight and control over the new water source, including periodic maintenance.
Increasing access to clean water in the Mabumbu area not only means the reduction of diseases, but also freeing up the time, energy, and labor of women and girls to pursue (and achieve) their educational, entrepreneurial, and community goals.