Why SEPO Zambia supports the construction of a new classroom at Kalangu?

Kalangu students sitting at their new school sign in 2010.

Since the beginning of our engagement with Kalangu in 2010 and our discussions with the parents, teachers, and community, it has been clear that Kalangu’s most pressing need is for additional classroom space. They are currently serving over 400 students with only 4 classrooms – which means that classes have to stagger/rotate and students only learn for half a day (to make room for others).

First Grade classroom at Kalangu where students can only learn for a few hours before they leave to make room for other grades

Throughout 2016 and 2017, Kalangu parents worked together toward the goal of constructing an additional classroom. The Kalangu Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) asked all Kalangu families to contribute 1 bag of cement at the beginning of each school year. A bag of cement costs approximately $10. Given the economic position of most Kalangu families (where $15 is approximately what they live on for an entire month), an extra $10 is not easy to come by (and is contrary to the principle of free primary education).

In 2018, Kalangu’s sister school in Oshkosh, WI (Emmeline Cook Elementary School) came together to raise enough money to fund the purchase of cement for the remaining bricks to construct a new classroom. In 2019 and 2020, we look forward to laying the foundation and moving into the final phases of construction.

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